Sunday, March 3, 2019

365: National Anthem Day

March 3 is National Anthem Day. We did a couple of things to celebrate the holiday.

First and foremost, we listened to the National Anthem. We listened to the instrumental version and the version with the words. We talked a little bit about Francis Scott Key and how important the National Anthem is to the United States.

After, we sat and looked at a United States map. I pointed out Ohio (where Jude and Jay were born) and New York (where I was born).

We also had a little fun helping Mickey see the state he is from. Jay, Jude, and I are going on a big Florida trip in August. We will be spending a couple days at Disney when we are there, so it was fun to talk about Mickey and Florida. We travel a lot, so this was the perfect day to start exposing Jude to the US map.

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