Thursday, September 26, 2019

365: Johnny Appleseed Day

September 26 is Johnny Appleseed Day. Johnny Appleseed was an American pioneer nurseryman who brought apples to a lot of the Midwest.

To celebrate this delicious day, Jude ate his first Granny Smith Apple. He loved the tartness of it. While he ate it, we read a little bit about Johnny Appleseed. Below are some of the most interesting facts we ran into. 

1. Johnny Appleseed’s apples were considered to be “spitters” because you would spit them out if you hadone bite. His apples were grown to make hard cider and apple jack. 

2. You can visit one of the trees Johnny Appleseed planted in Nova, Ohio. 

3. Johnny Appleseed never had children so no one inherited his copious apple orchards.

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